
Wagered: $778 (as of 5/3 12:00)

Won: $2747.65

ROI: 396%

Pick 4's Hit: 4 of 13

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sunday results........

Well........we fared well in a lot of things....just not completed pick 4's. Hopefully you guys bet my tri plays as they both hit......albeit not big, but enough that you could have made some money. nipped on the wire in the last race by a 5-1 that nosed out my 11-1 to give a payout of $409.70 for $1 and if the 11-1 firster for barclay had hit you know if would have been closer to $1000. bad luck.........hopefully you all played the tri in the 9th. i had it 5 times. next!!!!!!!!
Santa Anita Early- got nipped again in the second race on our $16 pick 4. it paid $108 for a buck so we got shafted a little there too. go ahead and check out the replay of the race. couldn't have been any closer. btw.....the triple i said to play paid $18 for a buck. again......not huge, but positive if you played it the way i said.
Santa Anita Late.---------the 9 got nipped in the first race and then we were winners from there out. pick 4 paid $120. again........real close but just no cigar. you could have played the horses i loved and been 2nd-1st-1st-1st but i guess that's why we play it cus you never know how it works out.

SO- we went 9-12. not too bad. made some gutsy calls and some wimpy ones as well. I tell you what....this sunday, the 8th, i feel like i'm going at least 2 for 3. I hope that you all enjoy my analysis and i would love to get some input from everyone with picks that we have as well.

I don't want to place too much of a focus on the betting aspect of the races as I am the first to admit that I'm all about the beauty and instinct this game requires.............( i tell myself this to justify losing money). Hope to join the TBA soon and offer anything that i can. Including cash for a losing bet cus that's about all i'm good for lately. Good luck all and I'll see you Sunday to try it all over again.

1 comment:

Patrick J Patten said...

usually invites to new members go out after a month, but i can bend them a little i guess. give it 3 weeks. and hit 1 of these fuckers.