
Wagered: $778 (as of 5/3 12:00)

Won: $2747.65

ROI: 396%

Pick 4's Hit: 4 of 13

Thursday, April 26, 2007

!!!!!!!!!Adjustments to early Hollywood pick 4

Hey everyone. Some key scratches have forced me to adjust my picks for race 2 and 6. \

Race 2: 1,3,7,8 the loss of the two hurts and i like the works and the stats of the 1 and 3 next best to the 2 so we'll throw them in there.
This makes the early pick 4: 1,2,3/7,8,1,3/1,5/3,6,7,9 for $96 sorry for the cost but it had to be done.

Race 6: the 7 has scratched which was our top pick. We instead go with the 3 and the 6 who tends to run better on the cushion and has been working well.
This makes the late pick 4: 6,5,1/3,6/6,5/3,7,9,12 for $48.

Good luck all.

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