
Wagered: $778 (as of 5/3 12:00)

Won: $2747.65

ROI: 396%

Pick 4's Hit: 4 of 13

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Hollywood Opening Day Late Pick 4

Hey everyone. First of all i would like to thank you for your acceptance into the TBA. It's truly an honor to me that more than one person might read my page in a day. Not to mention that I'm a part of a group that represents what i look as everything good in this sport that we all love. Thanks again.

That being said, my contribution to this esteemed collection of scholars is Pick 4 wagers. I'm putting one in today(and some of you might notice that it's about 5 minutes AFTER the first race of the sequence was run........but that was only because i had to get my bet in first....that's right, i'm playing all of these suckers so know that if i put one in, that i believe in it) without the assistance of my DRF but instead using Equibase stats so you'll have to forgive me in case i don't get it all right. Here we go:

Race 5: 2,3 The two looks like she could run and hide with an easy lead. However, the 3 is undefeated on turf and could inherit the lead if the 2 gets headed. Use both in the pick 4 but put a nice win bet on the 2 if she's above 2-1.
Race 6: 3,4,7 The 3's got the jock, the weight and the works. the 4 has been racing better, drops and has a great style for the race. the 7 has won his last three and Puype has got great 1st claim stats
Race 7: You could go deep here but i'm going with 3 cus i think that's all you need and we have to go deep late in the 8th. i go with the 1,4,and 6. Frankel and Talamo team up on the 1 for his first start in the states but he ran very well down in Brazil and should get a great trip. The 4 drops for this for the other Frankel entry and should relish the trip as she could walk them around. The 6 could be long gone. All three should be big odds
Race 8: Going with the only horses i think could win. 1,4,8,9, and 10.

So there you go: 2,3/3,4,7,/1,4,6,/1,4,8,9,10 for $90. Good luck all and thanks again for your initiation.

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